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Spring Flings: Badger Love Stories

We asked Badgers to share their loves stories and they did not disappoint!


Met registration week (that was a thing back in the day) our sophomore year. Will celebrate 38 years of wedded bliss this May!

Jane M Miller

In 1967, we met at a Patrick's Day party in his dorm when I was a freshman. I only went because I owed a favor to a friend who wanted to go.Got married 2 weeks after graduation in 1970.Still happily together.

Andee Bram

We were in the same student group. I remember talking to him on library mall at an event and casually mentioning I had a boyfriend to stop his flirting. Four years later, we met again at Summerfest. A true Wisconsin love story. Married 10 years in October!

Heather Ogren

While attending the UW my husband (Jim Merten) and I met at the Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel and Student Center in the late 1960’s. Married in 1970. Our oldest grandson will be a 4th generation Badger in September! 

Barbara Luebke Merten

My amazing partner Karen Ebert and I met while doing a production of The Three Musketeers on the Mitchell stage in Vilas Hall. We have been married for 22 years. She was in the UW Marching Band and I was a Theater major.

Allen Ebert

Met while walking to our respective classes in Fall '79. First date, drinks at Nitty Gritty, & seeing The Kinks at the coliseum because I had earlier won 2 tickets by calling in to WIBA & correctly answering a question. Celebrating our 42nd anniversary later this year.

Lisa Sasse

Took her to a Badger basketball game 14 years ago to the day and we’ve been together ever since.

Mike Wendt

Michael Linn and I met in ballroom dance class at Lathrop Hall — last semester of our senior year! Celebrated 5 years of marriage this past fall.

Sarah Divney Linn

We met in early September of ‘97 in Kronshage, when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore. My friend wanted to visit his roommate before we went out for the night. Later that month he helped me get to the emergency department (our “first date”), and he kept calling to check on me after that. We’ve been together since. We married in 2001 following graduation.

Nicole Pekarske

Met Bob Foulks at a St. Patrick’s Day party in 1971 while we were students. Married June 1972. Celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary last year. Still live in Madison!

Pixi Foulks

We met at the UW Extension in Kenosha when he returned from the service. He asked me to type a paper for him and offered me $20 or a date. I took the date and we're still married 55 years later.

Kathy Schutz Ladousa

We met on our way to campus getting rides with a friend. Been together for over 42 years. Our wedding was Bucky Badger themed!

Bambi Butzlaff Voss

My future husband bartended with one of the people who wore the Bucky Badger costume. Bucky was also my roommate’s boyfriend. Bucky introduced me to my future husband at the Brat House

Sandy Doyle Smith

We met in Adams Oschner in 1987, started dating in 1989. We were married Jan 1, 1994 as Badgers played in Rose Bowl for 1st time in 30 years! On Wisconsin!

Ellen Dean McNeary

Melisa Kozlak and I met on the terrace over pitchers with friends in April, 2009 and have been together almost every day since. Just welcomed our firstborn, Adelaide, in July!

Drew Kozlak

Meet in German class in Bascom Hall in 1959. Been married for over 61 years. Had our wedding pictures taken in front of the Lincoln statue on Bascom Hill.

Dick Law

My husband and I met in a U Band class in the basement of Humanities. We both played trombone. Bucky and members of the Marching Band (my husband was in the marching band too) were at our proposal at Memorial Union and our wedding reception at Monona Terrace. We've been together for 21 years! #EatARock

Jana Kolar

Thanks for sharing the love, Badgers!

If you have a memory, milestone, career news, etc. please share with us here!

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