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Anne Karabon, PhD’15, receives the 2019 Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award from NAECTE

Anne Karabon PhD’15 was selected as the recipient of the 2019 Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award by the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators. This award honors those who exhibit innovative and dynamic leadership, professionalism, self-reflective practices and mentoring in the field of early childhood teacher education. A student wrote in a nomination letter, “Karabon fosters a personal relationship with every student that was not just superficial but truly meaningful, and I count myself lucky to have her in my educational lineage.” Karabon is an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Picture: Anne Karabon (left) and her nominating colleague, Susan McWilliams, in Nashville, TN for the NAEYC and NAECTE Annual Conference.

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