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Edye and Jac Garner Honored at United Way’s Tocqueville Reception

Edye and Jac Garner received the 2019 United Way of Dane County Tocqueville Society Award during the Tocqueville Membership Reception at The Fluno Center on Thursday, October 3.

The Garners’ involvement with United Way of Dane County started through the workplace campaign and they are now 25 year+ Loyal Contributors. In the late eighties, Jac crossed paths with former United Way of Dane County President and CEO Leslie Ann Howard, who invited him to serve on a Needs Allocation Panel (now called a Community Solutions Team). Since then, Jac has Chaired United Way’s Needs Allocation Committee (now Vision Council) (1992 – 93), Board (1995) and Campaign (2002). Edye and Jac joined the Tocqueville Society in 2000 and have volunteered to invite others to give over the years.

United Way called upon Jac soon after he retired and asked him to serve as United Way’s interim Executive Vice President of Community Impact. In 2018 Jac led the Community Impact team through their investment redesign, successfully restructuring the department and optimizing the request for proposal process to encourage more cross-systems collaboration amongst agencies and programs, which leads to even greater outcomes. Currently, Jac serves as Chair of United Way’s Strategic Collaborations Committee.

Edye and Jac are proud to have created a fund in their name within the United Way Foundation with a first gift in 1998 and ongoing annual contributions. This fund will provide a base of support for United Way’s work in our community for generations to come as will the provision they’ve made for the Foundation in their estate plans.

On behalf of United Way of Dane County and the United Way Tocqueville Society, we are honored Edye and Jac are such an integral part of our entire community’s family.

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