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Thank you for the reminder about Dormistory! According to the records that we can find, Dormistory ran from at least the 1959–60 school year to 1965–66, and it was the biweekly newspaper for the Lakeshore Halls Association (LHA). Its purpose was “to keep the area informed and entertained,” as well as to “provide practical and creative experience for staff members.” (A less sunny but perhaps more honest evaluation, in a Badger yearbook, said it was intended “in an effort to overcome the communications problems of the large organization.”) In the early 1960s, LHA was an active community. In addition to Dormistory, it also had its own “radio” station, WLHA, which broadcast 125 hours of programming a week (though its broadcasts were not so broad: its signal was carried not by radio waves but by the res halls’ electrical system). LHA also had a series of dances and socials, including the Dormsylvania pageant, and it had its own store and barber shop. Dormistory did suffer the scorn of some of its journalistic peers. In 1960, the Daily Cardinal published a prayer to the editorial gods, including an imprecation to “forgive us our editorial policy, as we forgive Dormistory.” By the late 1960s, the decline of residence hall life and activities spelled the end of Dormistory.

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